On Friday, the kids and I headed down to Dallas to visit North Haven Gardens. We bought our first two chickens there nearly two years ago and I remembered being impressed with the selection, helpful staff and quality of the plants. My memory was not playing tricks on me, on Friday I had no less then five different people ask if they could help me. The employees were extremely knowlegable and it was obvious they enjoyed their jobs. Best of all, the nursery is extremely organic friendly. While I love my local feed supply store, it was so nice to be in a place where they didn't look at me as if I were from another planet for asking about organic products. As a matter of fact, when I asked about their recommended fertilizer (not specifying organic), it was an organic product that she pointed me to. Check out their page on growing edibles, it appears to have lots of great and helpful information!
I broke my self imposed rule of not growing tomatoes this year when the kids starting asking to bring some home. Each child picked out their own variety or two, so it looks like I better go get my new growing bags in place. I had already picked up two Early Girl plants from the feed store but forgot to bring them in when our temps dipped down to 28 early yesterday morning. Oops, by afternoon, it was quite obvious they did not appreciate the brief period below freezing. One of the employees I talked to at North Haven told me that tomatoes do not like temps any lower than 40. I plan to put the plants I bought in pots and let them grow for a few more weeks before transferring to the garden. After all, we did have this on March 21 last year:
Six inches of snow on March 21, 2010
There's a garden hidden under there!! Fortunately, the blackberries survived being under that drift although they were already leafing out and we had a bumper crop last summer.
thumbs up for NHG! I work nearby and like going over there to look from time to time.
Posted by: Brian Gallimore | 03/07/2011 at 12:07 PM