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The power of prayer indeed. So odd when you finally get it answered. And are listening.


thank you for posting this....our son has food sensitivities and a kidney condition. since eliminating problem foods he has not had to have steroids for his kidneys. i hope we are on to something with food here. we are trying to keep eliminating for the rest of the family too. hard for snacks, etc as 'real' food takes much longer to prepare and eat but we are working on it! keep posting, we appreciate it.


Holly, I hope your son continues to improve! My son has made it an entire year free of any steroids for his lungs which is record setting!! You are so right that real food takes more effort but the benefits for our family make it worth the trade offs.


Hello! This is a fairly dated post, so I hope you see this and can answer my question. My children have shown signs of potential food sensitivities, but all the blood tests came back negative. Thankfully their doctor is very diet conscious and said that just b/c the tests are negative, doesn't mean they can't still have issues with it. They are 4 and 2 (with a 4 1/2 month baby not yet on solids). What kind of symptoms did you notice in your kids? How did they improve with the new diet? I did dairy free when I was nursing my two year old and felt soooo much better, but it's so hard with all the stuff out there that contains it. We are no where near being self sufficient, it's a lifestyle that we're just starting to work on so I hope sometime in the relatively near future our diet with be more fruits and veggies than grains and meat... it'll be an uphill battle the whole way though (both DH and the kids).

Oh, and I am 27 years old and suffer from many of the things you mentioned. During my last pregnancy I was almost laid up entirely for half of it b/c my back and hips hurt so bad! It started in college and has continued to get worse as I get older. I would love to find a "cure" so that we could potentially have more children!!

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