It was an exciting summer for our family. Not only did we have a bumper crop of zucchini which after 5 years of failure was super exciting, but we also moved to an amazing new house!! We were not planning to move, we had been gearing up to remodel, but we have always kept our eye open for a little more land without a little more commute. The beginning of June, just such a place went on the market.
I am so grateful every single day that I wake up in our new house! With all of our special eating requirements, much of our time is spent in the kitchen. Our old house had a very small kitchen and did not allow for meal preparation to be much in the way of quality family time. Now, the kitchen is the heart of our home and all five of us can be in there together without anyone tripping over another. It was truly exciting to remodel the old house for someone else and now that it is on the market, we are praying for a family that will be transformed by the 1.2242 acres the same way that we were.
Here is a little picture of what life on our new piece of Texas looks like:
Grasshoppers make for fat, healthy chickens
Exciting events in our own front yard
Wild birds that want to be pets
And finally, more interesting neighbors...that have babies!
Whaaaa....... no new house pics? Or even KITCHEN pics?
Posted by: Carolyn | 09/25/2012 at 04:25 PM
I've had so much enjoyment in reading through your entire blog in the last two weeks. It is always nice for me to stumble across a backyard homesteader who is also dealing with food issues in their family. It sounds like you are starting a great new adventure with this new piece of land. I look forward to reading more about it.
Posted by: LuckyRobin | 10/03/2012 at 04:09 PM